Friday, December 5, 2008

A nice moment.

Today ends my first week of teaching computer classes. It's nothing advanced, just basic Word, Excel and email but to someone who didn't see a computer until they were 18, learning how to use the Shift button or attach a file in email is brand new material.

As I'm grading the tests, it begins to rain heavily, the kind of shower that can't be ignored. No problem for me because I'm inside the computer lab, underneath the corrugated steel roof, listening to Marvin Gaye in one ear and the rainfall in the other. What made this moment so wonderful, besides the music in both ears, was knowing that students who scored 30-40% on this same test a month ago were now averaging 90% and above. I'm not saving the world, a country, or even a community. I am, however, providing a tangible service to young men and women who deserve this knowledge.

1 comment:

Josh and Heather said...

"someone who didn't see a computer until they were 18"....hmm...Josh didn't send his first email until he was a junior in highschool!...tell him he's OLD!! ...OR he just fits in really nicely in Africa.