Saturday, April 25, 2009


While in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro my dad and I saw tons of animals, especially the big cats. Here are some of them.
The first lion we saw. She was nursing and looked exhausted.

The only leopard we saw the whole trip. Our guide said leopards are far more dangerous than lions. If a human ever stumbles upon one there's little chance of them living to tell about it.

There were 5 of these little guys playing together. I was tempted to get out of the jeep and join them but they were using their 300 pound mother as a jungle gym.

Either this young lady was warning me with an evil eye or flirting with me with an awkward wink. It's probably the latter.

A family of 5 cheetahs were lounging by the side of the road as we left the Serengeti.

She may be tiny but she's feisty.

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