Saturday, February 28, 2009

Running on Rusinga

Here are a few of the obstacles that make running on this island interesting: The deep ruts in the dirt road caused by rain runoff. The rocks of all sizes that are left after the soil erodes. There's only one road. Goats. Mobs of curious children on their way to school. Stomach bugs. The sun that is remarkably powerful within minutes after coming over the mountain. Local custom which requires greeting everyone with at least a "Hello. How are you? Can you please give me details about every member of your family?" Herds of cows and their globs of poo.

Ohhhh, Kigali, with your paved streets and readily available drinking water, how I miss our mornings together!

I have found a couple running companions which make the conditions more enjoyable. Peter is about 22 years old and started running with me for two reasons: he enjoys the activity and he wants to protect me from the previously mentioned curious children. Our first run together he shows up in sandals that cost less than $2. He started the jog with about 50 cents left and ended with no more than 25. We were on the dirt road for the first half and then started up a rocky trail at which point the strap on his right flip-flop broke, thus the drop in remaining value. He just kept on going. The other young man joined us today and reminds me of Preston. At the end of a brutal 7 mile run, which was not even close to challenging to him, he grabbed a hoe and started uprooting a tree. He ran in boots without laces.

How does this affect the current predictions for the race on May 24th? According to the most recent poll by Alabaster, Upper, and Thigh, it's still to close to call. Preston still faces temperatures in the "Stupidly Cold," to, "Are-You-Freaking-Kidding-Me? Cold" range. Steve has trouble finding time to bathe let alone train. Trevor has seen setbacks due to his stomach deciding to go into convulsions every other week. With two and a half months till the big day it's anyone's race.

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